✦ Extra Fees ✦

These are optional, but they must all be agreed upon and paid for before starting the commission.

Additional Character: +100% of the price

Nude Ver: +80% of the price

  • When commissioning with the nude version, the nude version is initially drawn and the outfit is drawn on top of it

Private Commission: +15% of total price

  • I will keep your character private until you're ready to reveal them. Let me know when your debut / reveal is and I'll be more than happy to promote it for you as well

  • Does not apply if you only wish for your name to stay anonymous

Rush: No

  • If you have a deadline, say so while ordering and I will tell you whether I can meet it or not

Commercial Use: +100% of total price

  • The commercial fee may be purchased separately of the artwork, i.e. you may commission me for personal work at first and then pay the fee at a separate time, once you make the decision that you'd like to use it for commercial purposes